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Passionate about boats since childhood, Florian has 7 years experience in the marine industry as an engineer.

An adventurer at heart, he sailed solo across the Atlantic in the 2013 Mini Transat race. 


He now turns his attention to an even bigger challenge; protecting the world's oceans through the creation of COBA 2 and

 Les Plastivores.



The 'golden fingers' of the team, as an engineer Guy has been developing electric vehicles - powered by renewable energy - for the past 35 years. 

Realizing the practical application of his inventions to protect the environment, 

Guy can't wait to see the first Plastivore

in action!

We work with a number of partners and are currently seeking further technical and financial support;

If you'd like to get involved please contact us.

The Fab Lab of Sophia Antipolis was created in October 2014 and piloted by Telecom Valley.
SoFab is also a partner of the University ofNice Sophia Antipolis and Polytech Nice-Sophia engineering school.


Site du Club de Robotique et d'Electronique Programmable de Ploemeur

Formed in 2012, the CREPP originally began as an Arduino workshop. 

The club organises workshops to discover Arduino, robotics and 3D printing.

The CREPP have been very supportive of COBA2 during the design & production process of our various prototypes. 


A 'Fablab' (manufacturing laboratory) is a place where creative people ('makers') use digital machines to create everyday objects, artwork, manufacturing kits...the possibilities are limitless. 


All of the machines at - the 3D printers, CNC machines and Laser Cutting Machines - have been manufactured in-house and are open-source. sell the 3D printer and CNC machines as a kit for home use; training sessions are also available.


COBA2 is working with to produce the Surface Marine Autonomous Drone Kits,

which are now available to order. 


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